
Timo Abele Johannes Thorn Schrotti Ralf D. Müller Jody Winter Ralf D. Müller Alexander Schwartz

3 minutes to read

About This Task

This task crawls through all Asciidoctor source files and extracts a list of contributors, which is then rendered as AsciiDoc images of each contributor’s gravatar picture. The extracted list is stored in /opt/build/repo/build/contributors/015_tasks/03_task_exportContributors.adoc so it can be easily included in your documents.

How to Use This Task

The best way to use this task is to create a feedback.adoc file similar to this:

ifndef::backend-pdf[] // (1)

    image::https://img.shields.io/badge/improve-this%20doc-orange.svg[link={manualdir}{filename}, float=right] // (2)
    image::https://img.shields.io/badge/create-an%20issue-blue.svg[link="https://github.com/docToolchain/documentation/issues/new?title=&body=%0A%0A%5BEnter%20feedback%20here%5D%0A%0A%0A---%0A%23page:{filename}", float=right] // (3)


include::{targetDir}/contributors/{filename}[] // (4)
  1. Do not show this section when docs are rendered as PDF.

  2. Create an Improve This Doc button which links to your GitHub sources.

  3. Create a Create an Issue button which links to your issue tracker.

  4. Include the list of contributors created by this task.

(The task automatically adds the estimated reading time to the list of contributors.)

About the Avatar-Icons

It seems not to be possible to extract a link to the github avatar icons from the log. So, the solution is to use Gravatar icons. For this to work, the contributors email address is hashed and an icon link is generated from that hash.


This result at least in an icon which has a distinct color.

Contributors can set up their own image through Gravatar.com. For this to work, the git commits need to use an email address which can be verified by Gravatar.com. Unfortunately, this is not the case if a contributor decided to make his email address private in the email sections of her github account.

File Attributes

This task also exports some GitHub file attributes. The extracted attributes are stored in /opt/build/repo/build/fileattribs/015_tasks/03_task_exportContributors.adoc.

:lastUpdated: 16.05.2019 06:22
:lastAuthorName: Ralf D. Müller
:lastAuthorEmail: ralf.d.mueller@gmail.com
:lastAuthorAvatar: http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cc5f3bf8b3cb91c985ed4fd046aa451d?d=identicon[32,32,role='gravatar',alt='Ralf D. Müller',title='Ralf D. Müller']
:lastMessage: #310 started to document config options

You can import and use these attributes in the same way as you import the contributors list.

please make sure that you do not accidentally publish the email address if your contributors do not want it.

For example:


Last updated {lastUpdated} by {lastAuthorName}